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Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 12 months ago






I spent a uncomfortably hot, but fascinating weekend in Madrid on 28th July!


My embarrassing lack of Spanish restricted the potential interviewees but I still managed to find some interesting people to talk to. These included people who had moved from poorer parts of Spain to seek a better life in the capital city. I also spoke to immigrants from Central and South America, who spoke about the challenges of life in their own countries and the challenges and opportunities that life in Spain had brought. There were obvious parrallels to current issues in the UK and it opened my eyes to the geographical issues that cross cultural and language barriers.


Madrid really comes alive at around 1 O'clock in the morning, with hundreds of tapas bars, fabulous restaurants and thousands of people out on the streets. At 1 O'clock in the afternoon, however, when I am carting a heavy BBC camera around and it is 40 degrees in the shade - not a bloomin' soul is about!


The questions were:


  • Is your local area happy or not? (Score 1 (unhappy) to 10 (very happy)) How would you improve the score? VIDEO 1


  • Is your country a happy country? VIDEO 2


  • Are some people more happy than others? VIDEO 3


  • Where in the world is the happiest place? VIDEO 4


The edited video interviews can be viewed by clicking below.....

Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 Video 4


The edited video interviews can be viewed as a Flash Video by clicking below.....

Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 Video 4



Useful Links:


Geography of Happiness - Madrid pictures http://www.virtourist.com/europe/madrid/

Wikipedia: Madrid - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madrid

Visit Madrid - Tourist Information http://www.timeout.com/travel/madrid/

Del Prado museum - http://museoprado.mcu.es/ihome.html

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