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Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 8 months ago

Welcome to the Geography of Happiness wiki!


The Geography of Happiness project was conceived on February 11th 2006 in a central London pub by a group of Geographers meeting after a video-editing course at 21CC (BBC Broadcasting House). Daniel Raven-Ellison suggested that we should travel to a variety of European destinations and ask people what made them happy - we foolishly agreed! A month later, e-mails arrived asking us to choose a destination and plan our visits - reality quickly set in. The 12 people paired up and we chose six destinations. Over the next three months we visited these cities with professional video recording equipment but little experience.


On 25th August 2006 six of us came together at the new 21CC studio facilities at BBC White City to edit the several hours of film we had collected. This wiki is the end result of that work and contains links to all the edited videos plus other useful links. You are welcome to use the happiness videos in your teaching and we welcome feedback as to how you made use of these resources. A scheme of work and lesson plans will be made available in November, 2006.


You can find out more about the Geography of Happiness and destinations on the Web Links page.


If you feel inspired, why not go out and make your own happiness videos and share them with others - the questions we used for interviews are set out on the QuestionsPage. Send your edited videos to us and we will add them to the wiki - further details are given on the ContactPage.


Countries Menu:ItalySwedenHollandIrelandLatviaSpain


Keep an eye out for a forthcoming article in the GA Magazine in the Spring term 2007.


If you want to check out how to format a new page, go to the WikiStyle page for more details. If you just want to play around before adding some information, go to the SandBox page in order to get a feel for how things work...


NOTE: Anyone with a password can create a new page to add information to - but as the Wiki grows, please check to see that the page you want to add hasn't already been created by someone else! Click on AllPages to see a list of all the pages created so far!


If you have any general questions, check out the FAQ section - http://geographyofhappiness.pbwiki.com/help.php

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